英语语法小知识:常见的集体名词collective nouns

2019-07-25 21:44:36

英语中,有一类词,表示一个集体或统称,比如board, choir, class, committee, family, group, jury, panel, staff, government, team, public, party, company, audience, crew等。



A herd of antelope

A herd of buffaloes

A herd of caribou

A herd of cattle

A herd of cows

A herd of deer

A herd of donkeys

A herd of elephants

A herd of giraffes

A herd of goats

A herd of horses

A herd of llamas

A herd of moose

A herd of oxen

A herd of pigs

A herd of ponies

A herd of sea horses

A herd of seals

A herd of swans

A herd of walruses

A herd of whales

A herd of zebras

A flock of camels

A pack of (polar) bears 

A pack of dogs

A pack of hounds

A pack of mules

A pack of rats

A pack of sharks

A pack of wolves

A flock of birds

A flock of camels

A flock of chickens

A flock of ducks

A flock of geese

A flock of goats

A flock of parrots

A flock of pigeons

A flock of seagulls

A flock of sheep

A flock of turkeys

A gang of thieves

A gang of criminals

A gang of crooks

A gang of prisoners

A swarm of ants

A swarm of bees

A swarm of butterflies

A swarm of eels

A swarm of flies

A swarm of insects

A swarm of rats


A litter of puppies

A litter of cats

A litter of cubs

A litter of pups

A litter of piglets

A pile of books

An Army of ants

A pride of peacocks

A pride of lions

A bunch of bananas

A bunch of grapes

A bunch of flowers

A bouquet of flowers

A school of fish

A school of sharks

A school/pod of dolphins

A school/pod of whales

A pod of peas

A leap of leopards

A nest of snakes

A hive of bees

Collective Nouns for People
A circle of friends

A party of friends

A class of pupils

A pack/gang of thieves

A gang of prisoners

A panel of experts

A patrol of policemen

A school of clerks

An army of soldiers

A team of players

A troupe of dancers

A troupe of performers

An audience of listeners

A crowd/group of people

A board of directors

A choir of singers

A crew of sailors

A staff of employees

An orchestra of musicians

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