Wonder 奇迹男孩 阅读笔记

2020-08-03 15:56:49

Chapter 1: Ordinary

August doesn’t have a normal face. So everyone sees him as something else. Even his family doesn’t see him as ordinary. But he wants to be ordinary and sees himself as ordinary.


Chapter 2: Why I Didn’t Go to School

He doesn’t go to school because he used to be sick a lot and has to do lots of surgeries. His mom homeschools him but she is not good at boy things. So he needs to go to school. He wants to go to school but he expects to be ordinary. He has friends. The best friend is Christopher because he always invite August to his birthday parties and meets August very often even after he moves away.


Chapter 3: How I Came to Life

He was born the way he looks because his mother and doctors didn’t do special tests. When he was born, there were only two nurses and a kid doctor. When he was born, the room was in a mess: The nice nurse rushed August out of the room; his father followed the nice, breaking the camera; the farting nurse fought with his mom to keep her on the bed; the kid doctor had fainted. Later, his mom found out that the farting nurse was nice. And when his mom saw his face, she only saw his pretty eyes.

Chapter 4: Christopher’s House

August’s mother wanted to send him to school because she expected him to learn more and she was not good at maths. But August didn’t want to go to school. At the same time, he knew his mother was right and he should go to school to learn more.


Chapter 5: Driving

August’s parents succeeded in talking him into going to school.

Mr. Tushman: Tushbutt, bum; rear-ended, behind


Chapter 6: Paging Mr. Tushman

At last, August met Mr. Tushman who was nice and kind, treating him as a normal child. He was tall and thin with blue eyes and white eyelashes. 

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